Doggerland: did a tsunami swallow part of Europe

Top image: Generic image of flatlands

In 1931, Pilgrim Lockwood's discovery of an antler harpoon in the North Sea unveiled the existence of a submerged land, Doggerland, connecting Britain to Europe. This region, traversed by Neanderthals during the ice ages, transformed from frigid tundra to a lush environment as temperatures rose.

Around 8000 years ago, Doggerland faced a catastrophic event, accelerated by both natural and geological factors. While rising sea levels played a role, the critical turning point was the Storegga Event, an undersea landslide off the Norwegian coast that triggered a massive megatsunami around 8000 years ago.This wave, fueled by debris dumped into the ocean, hastened Doggerland's submersion. Recent studies indicate that rising sea levels had already taken a toll on Doggerland before the tsunami. The once-resource-rich land was reduced to isolated parts, with Dogger Island being one of the few remaining high points. The Storegga megatsunami acted as a dramatic final chapter in the gradual decline of Doggerland. Its story underscores the vulnerability of human habitation to both gradual environmental changes and sudden catastrophic events, echoing a cautionary tale as modern civilization faces its own challenges with rising sea levels.


By Robbie Mitchell

I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance writer researching the weird and wonderful. I firmly believe that history should be both fun and accessible.

(Source:; January 11, 2024;
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