Bronze age couple buried 4,000 years ago unearthed in Kazakhstan
A Bronze Age burial site, with the remains of a man and woman facing each other, was unearthed by archaeologists in Kazakhstan.
Archaeologists in Kazakhstan have discovered a Bronze Age grave containing the remains of a man and woman buried facing each other. Researchers believe the couple were buried around 4,000 years ago, sometime in 2000 B.C.
The discovery was made in the region of Karaganda in central Kazahkstan, in a cemetery that has remains of humans and horses, according to a (translated) statement by the Karaganda regional government.
Archaeologists work on the newly discovered Bronze Age grave.
The couple — believed to be of “young age” — were found buried with a variety of grave goods, including gold jewelry, knives, and large ceramic pots. The objects suggest that the two likely held noble status, archaeologists said.
It’s still unclear what the relationship was between the male and female, and researchers haven’t determined their exact date range. The bones were sent for further analysis, according to the archaeological team, which was led by Igor Kukushkin, professor at Saryarka Archaeological Institute at Karaganda State University.
Jewelry were found buried with the couple, suggesting their noble status.
Kukushkin said in a statement that the pair lived in a period of conflict and strife.
Excavation of the burial site is ongoing.
Ceramic pots were also some of the ‘grave goods’ found buried with the couple.
Karaganda has been the site of several previous archaeological discoveries. In 2017, researchers found a 3,000-year-old stone pyramid, believed to be one of the largest, constructive complex buildings in the post-Bronze Age of Kazakhstan.