Barabar Cave Temples | The impossible precision of ancient India | Megalithomania documentary

The Barabar Caves are located in Bihar, 15 miles north of Gaya in India. Four of the caves are on Barabar Hill which we focus on in this video, whilst another three are located one mile away on Nagarjuni Hill. The remarkable sophistication of the smoothly cut and polished granite has bewildered travellers for centuries. The only inscriptions date from the Maurya Empire (322–185 BCE), some with Ashokan script, but these are carved out roughly near the entrances which has some scholars suggesting the original caves are much older. The quality of the stonework has been compared to Egypt and Peru, yet these are different not only from those, but also any other 'cave temples' in India. 3D scans were carried out and featured in BAM: Builders of the Ancient Mysteries, and more recently in Barabar: The Archaeological Site of the Future, both created by Patrice Pooyard / Jayan Films which can be viewed at https://builders-of-the-ancient-myste.... The precision and geometry is highly advanced and proves there is much we still don't know about the ancient world. In part two we will explore the three cave temples of Nagarjuni Hill.

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By MegalithomaniaUK

Welcome to Megalithomania. We film and live-edit all our conferences, and travel the world in search of lost civilizations, megaliths and much more. Please enjoy our videos here and follow the link through to our website to buy the full lectures. Megalithomania was founded by Hugh Newman (who now runs it solo), John Martineau and Gareth Mills in 2005. The conference was created to become an open forum to debate the megalithic arts and sciences. The team felt that history books and colleges do not present the evidence that is being discovered today. Revelations in the fields of archaeoastronomy, geomancy, ley alignments, sacred geometry and other cutting-edge disciplines are helping rewrite our own history, but are often overlooked by the academic world. Many people want to know where we came from and connect to our ancestors so we hope that this annual event can be part of that process. We organise an annual conference in Glastonbury & hold tours to sites all around the world.

(Source:; January 22, 2025;
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