Antarctica and imprisoned fallen angels from the Book of Enoch

On March 14, Israeli News Live published a provocative story titled “The Fallen Angels Imprisoned in Antarctica and are still Alive.” The commentator, Steven Ben-Nun, analyzed the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which describes the experiences of Enoch, a pre-deluvian biblical figure, who was taken into the heavens to witness and play a key role in a major celestial conflict.

Enoch became the principal intermediary between two sides of the conflict between the “Fallen Angels”, and the “Righteous Angels” serving an all knowing deity referred to as “the Lord”. There were multiple issues in the conflict such as Fallen Angels interbreeding and/or performing genetic experiments with humanity, and passing on forbidden knowledge and technologies to the still developing human civilization.

The Book of Enoch begins with the arrival of 200 Fallen Angels in the area of Mount Hermon, which borders modern-day Lebanon and Syria. The Fallen Angels began interbreeding and/or genetically modifying the local inhabitants.

6.1 And it came to pass, when the sons of men had increased, that in those days there were born to them fair and beautiful daughters.

6.2 And the Angels, the sons of Heaven, saw them and desired them. And they said to one another: “Come, let us choose for ourselves wives, from the children of men, and let us beget, for ourselves, children.” …

6.6 And they were, in all, two hundred and they came down on Ardis, which is the summit of Mount Hermon. And they called the mountain Hermon because on it they swore and bound one another with curses. [Source]

While the Fallen Angels had established an outpost on Mt Hermon, it was Antarctica that they would be removed to ultimately after losing the heavenly battle with the righteous angels, according to Ben-Nun’s analysis of the Book of Enoch.

Ben-Nun cites passages from the Book of Enoch which are very suggestive of Antarctica as indeed the location where Enoch was taken to witness celestial events:

18.5 And I saw the winds on the Earth which support the clouds and I saw the paths of the Angels. I saw at the end of the Earth; the firmament of Heaven above.

18.6 And I went towards the south, and it was burning day and night, where there were seven mountains of precious stones, three towards the east and three towards the south.

18.7 And those towards the east were of coloured stone, and one was of pearl, and one of healing stone; and those towards the south, of red stone.

18.8 And the middle one reached to Heaven, like the throne of the Lord, of stibium, and the top of the throne was of sapphire.

What’s interesting in the above passage is that Enoch refers to a location that “was burning day and night”. Ben-Nun believes that this fits the description of Antarctica during the Southern Hemisphere summer season when there is 24 hour sunlight.

Regarding the seven mountains, this appears to refer to Mt Vinson in the Sentinel Range of Antarctica, according to Ben-Nun. He also refers to six nearby mountains in the range that might qualify as the mountains described in the Book of Enoch.

Mt Vinson is the highest mountain in Antarctica, and is located towards the middle of the Sentinel Range. It would have stood out just as spectacularly with its snowcapped peaks in ancient times, as it does today.

Regarding the southern and eastern alignment of the six adjacent mountains to Mt Vinson described in the Book of Enoch, Ben-Nun speculates that this was their alignment prior to the catastrophic flood event, which coincided with a shifting of the Earth’s axis of rotation.

This corresponds to the research conducted by Sir Charles Hapgood who asserts that pole shifts have been a regular occurrence in Earth’s history. In his 1958 book, Earth’s Shifting Crust, Hapgood proposes that a pole shift had happened at the end of the last ice age, about 11,000 BC.

Ben-Nun’s conjecture is interesting, but as one can see from the map showing the Sentinel Range where Mt Vinson is situated, there are far more than seven mountains in the range. Ben-Nun’s conjecture is not conclusive as he himself points out. Nevertheless, he gives us a possible location of the imprisoned Fallen Angels, Mt Vinson and/or six other mountains in the Sentinel Range.

For the rest of this article please use source link below.


By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D / Exopolitics Institute Founder

Dr. Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials.

Dr. Salla founded the Exopolitics Institute (2005) and the Exopolitics Journal (2006). He has co-organized five international conferences on extraterrestrial life and Earth Transformation on the Big Island of Hawaii. Dr Salla is the host of ExoNews.TV and has appeared in hundreds of radio and television shows and international conferences for his research on exopolitics and international conflict. A list of his exopolitics interviews and conference papers appears here. A copy of Dr Salla’s curriculum vitae listing his academic publications, appointments and interviews is available here. His former academic website is available here. Main website is here.

(Source:; April 4, 2017;
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