A ‘literal’ step into the Sacred Circle Symbol
If you follow my work, then you've most likely read my previous article entitled, “It’s All 9: The Hidden Code of Our Divine Fractal Universe” where I speak on the awesomeness that the number 9 is literally the fabric of the world we live in!
Now, that may seem far-fetched, however with intrinsic patterns and complex designs found occurring everywhere in nature from snowflakes to the Fibonacci spiral in a head of cabbage or nautilus, we can then see how one could easily conclude and just as easily be dumb-founded by the fact that mathematics lies at the core of creation.
The beautiful representations of the sometimes hidden dance of the elements are often laid out in such ways that they demand our attention (have you ever really LOOKED at snowflake patterns??? They are absolutely gorgeous!!!) and thus create within us a desire to explore that newfound spark of our innate curiosity to know more.
And that is something that as a species we could never and can never ignore, for therein lies the keys to understanding the very universe in which we reside; including the vastness that exists within the core of the atoms contained in our cells…And if we are ever able to ignore the sight of what I love to call “cosmic creation” found in this Sacred Geometry, then I believe that is when we have truly lost what it means to make us human.
So what exactly is the tie to the number 9 and the circle? Well, for one if we bisect a circle, we see the number 9 at every single cut! (Below is an excerpt from my previously mentioned article. If you're curious and haven't read it yet, I highly suggest you do for more information on Vortex Based Mathematics!)
Let’s take a look…
- A circle is 360 degrees: 3+6+0=9
- A circle divided in half is 180 degrees: 1+8+0=9
- This will be true as well for all reductions including 45-degree angles within a circle as well as 90-degree angles: (45 degrees) 4+5=9, (90 degrees) 9+0=9, (135 degrees) 1+3+5=9, (225 degrees) 2+2+5=9, (270 degrees) 2+7+0=9, (315 degrees) 3+1+5=9
- It will continue if we add the 30-degree cuts together as well, for example: (60 degrees + 30 degrees) 6+0+3+0=9. Or (210 degrees + 240 degrees) 2+1+0+2+4+0=9
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
If we look deeper, we may begin to see why the circle is considered such a sacred symbol and we even hear the phrase “sacred circle” to indicate a special sort of group or gathering for a particular shared, meaningful purpose. We choose the circle because it binds, it connects, it is forever…
And what greater symbol for something meaningful than placing it into an eternal existence in your heart, mind, and soul? Where else do we see the circle symbol represented this way? How about wedding rings? Or to represent important cycles such as the “circle of life” which is representative of how all things are inter-connected; how one's demise always serves another's birth and vice versa. Chaos serves peace and vice versa. Light serves dark and vice versa. Yes…I said that! And yes I mean it!
Perhaps the circle's most important lesson is that it serves to remind us that we live in a dualistic world of polarity and that it will forever reflect back to us where we are resonating on this scale of extremes by mirroring back what's going on within our thoughts, feelings, and expressions…and even yes our unexpressed thoughts and feelings.
I am not in any way condoning the “dark side”, only acknowledging that without its existence, we would not have the grace and glory of light. Let's let light represent choices we make that best serve us life to simplify things and so as to not get so lost in any new-age terminology.
Think back to a time that you felt closure with something that had for a while been bothering you or looming over your mind. What occurred “behind the scenes” in the good ‘ol time-space continuum while you were working out your human dramas? Well, technically…the energy you were holding onto that kept you in a feeling of “stuck”, “this still bugs me” when I think of this it pisses me off”, was simply shifted. That energy simply MOVED.
What caused it to move? Well…the same thing that caused it to stay for every moment before it moved. A belief you tied to it at some point. And once we over-ride one belief with another, we literally hand over the reigns. Now, that new belief has power over what thoughts we think, what feelings we feel and presumably what choices we make and the actions we take or don't take.
What also occurred is our mental perspective. We could say that we literally turned around in time-space energy and faced our fears. We stopped living in the fear of a 180 “half-life” belief, and turned it around to completion, full-CIRCLE 360 degrees to obtain what? CLOSURE. Starting to make sense?
If we keep little things like this in mind to use as mind cues when things get too stressful or we have trouble letting things go, it will get easier to not only tune into our own energy, but to shift it when it's keeping us in a place that isn't perhaps serving us so well. We can then free ourselves from living in a circle of guilt and shame, or whatever the case might be for you, and create a new circle for ourselves; one that is congruent to the authentic angles we are trying to reach in life and that always amounts to peace and happiness…