Detail of ‘The Number of the Beast is 666’  by William Blake (1805). Detail of ‘The Number of the Beast is 666’ by William Blake (1805).

666 sanctified: the beast was fake news

The number 666 has been sanctified and this should bring sighs of relief to all those who were wary at the number of the beast fearing it symbolised satanic forces.  It has transpired that the number of the beast was pointing at the numbers of animals, which were sacrificed in sacred ceremonial offerings in the Old Testament. In turn, the numbers of those sacrificial animals harboured a great secret because they proved to be the indices of a secret calendar matrix, which mapped out biblical history culminating with the predicted Messiah. 666 was the compass to point the way to this hidden knowledge.  Set among the vials of wrath, multiple headed monsters, four fierce horsemen and venomous damnations, the reference to 666 in the Book of Revelation read as follows: “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” ( Revelations. Ch. 13:18)

God promises Solomon wisdom in a dream by Luca Giordano. (1694) Museo del PradoGod promises Solomon wisdom in a dream by Luca Giordano. (1694) Museo del Prado

Here Is Wisdom

Looking at things rationally, the phrase ‘ here is wisdom’ prompted of King Solomon who was renowned for his wisdom. The second phrase state: “let him who has understanding”. There was a similar phrase relating to Solomon in the first Book of Kings where it is stated that: “God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceedingly much.” The two phrases were comparable but one needs to ask: was Solomon the intended target? To find the answer, the number 666 was entered into a biblical search engine and lo and behold it stopped with King Solomon where it stated: “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold.” (First Kings 10:14) The number 666 indicated that Solomon was the target and the gold talents gave the notion of a treasure trail. The search engine next stopped in the second Book of Chronicles where it repeated about the weight of gold that came to Solomon as ‘six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold’. Thus, a firm link to Solomon had been established. It did not take long to find out why 666 was the number of a man because the search engine stopped in the Book of Ezra where it listed the number of men who returned from exile in Babylon.

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By Michael Hearns

Michael Hearns is from Ireland and he has been involved for many years conducting independent research on some of the cryptic puzzles and unsolved mysteries in the Bible. Many of those puzzles involved numbers and time periods. Michael is the author of several books including The Mystery of the Tabernacle, The Messiah Immortalised in Time, Mary Magdalene – the First Pope and The “Copper Scroll” Bible.

Michael made a tantalising discovery with the biblical tabernacle of Moses. He found that the various dimensions of the tabernacle in the ancient units of square cubits had the same numerical values as the orbits of the planets. This cosmic dimension transformed the tabernacle into a metaphysical structure making it a virtual heaven on earth. It led to Michael conducting an appraisal on why it stated in the gospels that the veil of the temple or tabernacle was rent in two at the death of Jesus. With the new knowledge of the cosmic data, Michael detected that the gospel writers had used the holy tabernacle as an image motif for the tomb in order to explain the resurrection of Jesus. In turn it revealed that Mary Magdalene had acquired the same status as the traditional high priest. This was why the gospel writers recorded Mary Magdalene as looking into God’s holy of holies chamber and view the two angelic Cherubim sitting at either end of where the body of Jesus had lain.  Only the high priest had access to God’s inner chamber and with that eminent status, Mary Magdalene was destined to be the first Pope. 

Michael’s latest research was a root and branch study of the mysterious copper scroll treasure map, which had confounded scholars for over sixty years since its discovery in a cave by the Dead Sea. He found that it was the numbers on the copper scroll, which were the real gems for they proved to be the indices of a marvellous calendar system for mastering time itself.

Michael studied telecommunication engineering in Dublin Institute of Technology and also acquired an arts degree in The National College of Ireland.  

More information is on his website

(Source:; September 25, 2020;
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